My older son was home from college upstate for the holiday season. His girlfriend came down for a few days and we decided to spend a day visiting immersive art in the city while they were here. We started off at Arcadia Earth. Wow! That’s all I can say. The quality of the art was superb, and delivered a very important message about how we as humans interact with the planet that we exist on. Most of the art objects were made from repurposed materials, and it was all enhanced by VR technology. Everybody was impressed with the art and the message. It’s definitely worth a visit!
We spent some time walking around the city, from Astor Place [click here to see me and my son spinning the famous cube] to the East Village and Lower East Side. Then, on our way to dinner, we stopped by the Martin Lawrence Gallery in Soho, where selected works by Keith Haring, Mark Kostabi, Takashi Murakami, and Andy Warhol were on view.
After dinner we headed uptown to Zerospace for “The Show.” The immersive, interactive art environment was something that I think everyone should experience. An insider tip—talk to as many of the cast members as you can. The more you talk to people, the more you’ll learn about the art and the better chance you have to get into one of the secret rooms, which Forest was fortunate enough to do, and said it was amazing. The one thing I must say is this experience definitely could use some psilocybin to enhance it. Again, another stellar, well-done, thumbs-up-from-all-around family excursion.