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Hardy will be the guest of FINancial Sharktress Galit Tsadik on her weekly “Money Monday” Facebook Live conversation this coming Monday. Hardy and Galit share a love of SCUBA diving and helping people become fearless about living their authentic lives. They’ll talk about changing your money mindset to stop being stuck in toxic relationships, environments, or jobs because of lack of understanding money. Tune in at 9 p.m. EDT on Monday, July 6, at https://www.facebook.com/FINancialSharktress/


Hardy believes that a strong financial foundation helps to facilitate positive change. That strong foundation doesn’t necessarily mean a lot of money, just a good understanding and a plan.


Find out more about Hardy’s coaching services here: https://www.boxofrain.com/coaching.


Follow the FINancial Sharktress on Instagram and Twitter.

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